Spinecare Topics

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Options for Spine Treatments
The Cooperative Approach To Spinecare

The Cooperative Approach To Spinecare

Cooperative spine care refers to two or more health care professionals from different disciplines working together to preserve or restore spinal integrity while prioritizing the patient’s well being.

Reasons for Cooperative Spinecare

  • Reduce the likelihood of unnecessary or duplicative testing.  Optimize the continuity of care
  • Reduce the risk for unnecessary surgery
  • Early detection of spinal disorders at varying stages of development
  • Expanded criteria for outcome-based care
  • Improved patient recovery
  • Reduced cost of spine care

Who May Benefit by Cooperative Spinecare?

The patient with persistent or progressive pain, numbness, muscle weakness or abnormal spinal movement who is not recovering as expected may require a multidisciplinary approach with the combined expertise of the chiropractic physician and the neurosurgeon to maximize potential recovery.

Benefits of Cooperative Spinecare

The potential patient benefits of cooperative spine care include early diagnosis, timely intervention, a broad range of therapeutic options, continuity of care, and improved potential for recovery.

Common Ground: The Doctor of Chiropractic and the Neurosurgeon

Chiropractic physicians and neurosurgeons both have extensive training in spinal anatomy, spinal biomechanics, diseases of the spine and neurology as it relates to the spine.  Both disciplines can perform or order the necessary procedures required to diagnose spine disorders and related conditions.


Educational Partners


To learn more about your spine. spinehealth, and available spinecare go to the International Spine Assocition (ISA) at www.spineinformation.org. The primary mission of the ISA is to improve spinehealth and spinecare through education. The ISA is committed to disseminating need-to-know information throught the World Wide Web in numerous languages covering many topics related to the spine, including information about spine disorders, spine heath, advances in technology and available spinecare

All health information posted on the site is based on the latest research and national treatment standards, and have been written or reviewed and appoved by the American Acedemy of Spine Physicians and/or International Spine Association physicians or health professionals unless otherwise specified.

The information provided on this site is designed to support. not replace,
the relationship that exists between patient/site visitor and his/her physician.